SEO Title, Content freshness and descriptions Tips – SEO Tips # 224

SEO Title Tag :

The title attribute of a link tag does NOT count toward relevancy AT ALL. However, it can affect your overall keyword density for the page in a negative manner. Get rid of keywords in the title attribute of link tags now.

Watch keyword prominence in your title tag which should be around 8-10 words long, or shorter (Maximum of 75 characters, including spaces).

Also remember the value of moving benefits up into the Title tag and creating a compelling title that reads well satisfies the searcher’s initial query.

Content Freshness :

How are you doing with “content freshness” and adding new article pages to your Web site on a regular basis? Remember that you may get much more relevancy for “content freshness” than you might expect. Make a commitment to performing regular updates and additions to your Web site and keep an eye on search engine visiting frequency.

SEO Description Tags :

Your description tags should be around maximum of 150 characters, including spaces. In your description, use your keyword phrase prominently and make a description of the page using important keywords that are actually contained within your readable Web copy. Mix in a little creativity but ensure that your description reads very clearly and also contains a reason to take action.

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