Google Officialy announced its First Mobile Index – An Overview

Hey folks, i know you are reading this post from your mobile. Am i right? Yeah most of u are.

The number of people using smartphone has drastically increased. At present , we are using desktop only during office hours. Meanwhile to search for any queries or to look up some info, mobile is the preferred medium . So considering this into action, Google recently made a announcement about the Mobile-First Indexing .

Here in our blog, we are going to look an overview about the Google Announcement on mobile indexing.

Google ranking system was only based on the desktop version where the page content is referred as relevance to the user. So when people search for queries in mobile, the relevancy many not be accurate, thus considering this google has made its first index for  mobile.

Now google has started to index and it will be a single index of website and apps. They will look for the changes happening in the coming months. If this index brought some good user experience, they will confidently continue this updates in a large scale for the further improvement.

Google has just started this process, so they are providing the following recommendations to be successful and move towards this mobile focused index completely.

  • Are you having a responsive site or a dynamic serving site? Then you do not want to change anything because, if you have this site, then the primary content and the markup will be same for desktop and mobile versions.
  • If your site configuration is different, then you have to check for these changes immediately and update it into your site.
  1. You have to set up and serve structured markup that would be same for both mobile and desktop versions.
  2. You can do this by using Structured data testing tool . Here you can compare it and make the primary content and markup same for both versions.
  3. Be careful while adding structured data to a mobile site.
  4. Do not add large amount of markup that is irrelevant to the content you are adding.
  5. Check whether Googlebot could  access your mobile version. You can do it by using this robots.txt testing tool.
  6. Google has announced not to make changes to their canonical links, itself will take care of it.
  • Check whether your mobile site is added and verified in search console, if not immediately do it.
  • If you are having only a desktop site, it would be fine, when you are preparing a mobile site , note down and check whether all these steps are there and it can be existed in your mobile and then launch an complete mobile version for your website.

So guys, Look up this recommendations by Google and follow it in the perfect way before launching your mobile site. If you have a mobile site and are not having this things updated in your website, then immediately update it and rank top in the SERP’s.

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