SEO Tips

SEO Tips # 177 – Creating new Content

When creating new content, you probably have a clear objective for your Web page. What action do you want your visitor to take after they read your content? When researching your customer search trends, try and identify their interests and needs FIRST, instead of being always focused on your objectives. Every Web page should have an objective to be fulfilled

SEO Tips # 176 – Remove a Link to an Important Page

Be careful before you choose to remove a link to an important page within your site. Orphan pages usually end up in Google’s supplementary results, which means they will never show up in the top results. Are your pages suffering any penalties because a broken link you may have missed? Make sure to check your

Website Conversion Tips – Testimonials

Did you know that Courier New font looks very similar to an old style typewriter font? Try using the Courier New font on your testimonials to make them look like type-written messages. Another thing you can do for testimonials that are extremely influential is to use “audio testimonials” so that visitors can actually hear the emotion in your customer’s

SEO Tips # 175 – Conversion Tips

How are your high performance pages converting for you. Here is today’s conversion tip: Are you using the little credit card logos on your page above the fold where the visitors can see them easily without scrolling? These logos as well as the verisign logo or security logos all instill a sense of trust in

SEO Tips # 174 – Top visibility – Conversion

What is the next most important aspect to obtaining top visibility for a page? If you guessed “conversion” you are right. How are your high performance pages converting for you. Are there things you could do to help you convert more of your traffic into sales? You bet there are. Over the next few days,

SEO Tips # 173 – How many links should you have on a links page?

How many links should you have on a links page or other page of your Web site? Is there any limit or maximum number? Here is what Google advises: “Keep the links on a given page to a reasonable number (fewer than 100). When was the last time you reviewed Google’s Webmaster Guidelines? You should

New Ideas in Wordtracker Tools – Keyword Hunting

Next time you are looking for new ideas in Wordtracker to attract more traffic, try thinking beyond “keyword hunting.” Of course you want to find those great money keywords, but also thing about exploring “topics” that would fit into your site’s interests. Have you ever researched which “tools” are in the highest demand? Have you

Quick Checklist for Website Redesign

I came across one blog and found some very useful information about website redesign. Just I shared it with you all. Quick Checklist for redesign the website, 301 redirects. This must be done if you are changing your URLs in any way. This involves pointing the old URLs to the new ones. Reinstall your

SEO Tips # 172 – Keyword Research in Word Tracker Tools

When looking for new windows of traffic doing your keyword research in Wordtracker what is it that you are usually looking for? Do you take the logical approach of researching the keywords that first come to to your mind? Most people do exactly this same thing. They research the words that are already programmed into

SEO Tips # 171 – Link Exchange Service

Be very careful about using any kind of “link exchange service” that offers to inflate your link popularity quickly. The one thing you don’t want to do is have the appearance of “unnatural linking” or anything that looks remotely contrived. Exploding link popularity overnight is bound to get you flagged for penalty.

SEO Tips # 170 – Link Popularity and Reputation

Perhaps you’ve heard that link popularity and link reputation is important. They are important, but don’t become so obsessed with linking that you build your entire strategy only “just around link building.” You want to use all of the basic principles to carry your Web site through and you may want to do some linking

Google’s Search Engine Robot is pretty old?

Did you know Google’s Search Engine Robot is pretty old? Why do you suppose Google and other search engines, hardly ever update their search engine robots or come introduce newer robots with new functionality? The reason is simple. The older robots do the job just as well as they always have and that’s because the

SEO Tips # 169 – Content Relevancy

Did you know Google is literally rewarding well-written content the benefit of “true relevancy.” All I mean to say here, is that just by becoming a better “writer”  and creating higher quality content, you can benefit from certain elements that are at work behind the scenes. Strive to prepare better content for your visitors and

Search Engines for SEO and Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)

For those of you interested in the study of “semantics” or Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) as it relates to which keywords have close contextual relationships to other keywords. Here is an interesting experience. Check out a brand new Search Engine called Not only does it use LSI but it even displays the evidence of how your search

SEO Tips # 167 – Call To Action

Once you pages are ranking well, you may want to fine tune your “call to action.” Tips on improving your call to action: Sometimes you may want to include a few testimonials in with your call to action (depending on what it is.) Some people may never visit a separate testimonial page, but sometimes a testimonial well

SEO Tips # 166 – Value of Content

When is the last time you stepped up the value of your content? Give it some thought. Far too often we are thinking only of those search engine spiders. The good news is that fresh new content that is created to be of value for your readers, also makes EXCELLENT “spider food.” Do a little

SEO Tips # 165 – Difficulty in Keyword Research?

If you are having difficulty finding good keywords in your research process at Wordtracker, then try using the service a different way than you normally do. We often fall into patterns from habit, so by slightly changing your routine you may just discover something you would have completely overlooked. Remember that the more logically you

SEO Tips # 164 – Analyzing in SEO

There is little value in focusing all of your attention on trying to analyze something that is designed for the purpose of constant, continual and nearly perpetual change. Don’t spend hundreds of hours trying to analyze algorithm. Instead, use your time wisely to create fresh original content that is mildly optimized for those low competition

SEO Tips # 163 – News Related Content

Did you know that news related content is 100% white hat? Many people have never really tapped in to the potential of writing “newsworthy stories” about their business for the purpose of exposure in the search enginenews feeds. When is the last time you produced a press release about some excitingnews in your company? Did

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