SEO Tips

SEO Tips # 101 – Use Different Styles of Headlines

You’ve probably thought a lot about using different styles of headlines in your articles. You headline is one of the most important aspects of your page as a good headline hooks the reader and gets them reading your content or article. Did you know that showing numbers as numerals in a headline is more effective […]

SEO Tips # 100 – (Bonus) 5 Tips in One Place.

Tips # 1 : Include your most important keyword phrase in both your title and description tags ONE time. Your title tag should be around 8-10 words long, or shorter (Maximum of 75 characters, including spaces). Your description tag should be no more than a maximum of 150 characters, including spaces. Tips # 2 : Don’t capitalize the first

SEO tips # 99 – SEO Content Writing

When you are thinking about what type of content to write for new promotional strategies, always remember that the traffic is not the whole solution. You must also convert your visitors to buyers. Always watch for ways to work with “emotional content”  since most people make their “buying decisions” when they are in an emotional state. Your

SEO Tips # 97 – Wordtracker Tools

Use Wordtracker to spot new keyword topics that relate to your industry. Observing higher KEI values will help you find phrases that are busy yet not too competitive. These phrases can often be ranked easily with only mild basic optimization. Remember that optimization principles also apply to your press releases or media releases. Next time you put out a

SEO Tips # 96 – Google Hilighter for Keywords

One quick and easy way to see how you are using your keyword phrase “visually” at a glance, is to enter your main keyword phrase into Google’s tool bar and turn on the “hilighter” option. This highlights every instance of your phrase as it is being used on the page. You can glance at it briefly and visually spot

SEO Tips # 95

Tips # 1: If you use drop-down menus on your pages, be sure to include actual HTML links to your interior pages as well. If you rely on your drop-down menus to direct the spiders to other pages on your site, you may be very disappointed when the pages aren’t indexed. Tips # 2 : Do you know

SEO Tips # 94 – SEO Performance

Performing SEO the way you currently perform now, has delivered a certain result. So if your happy with that result, carry on exactly the same way and you should get very similar results. If you are not happy with your results lately, then you must consider changing the way you do things. Same action = same result Different

SEO Tips # 93

Create a content rich, informational site which is loaded with quality articles, tips, free advice, and tutorials, and keep your options to buy a product very subtle. The number one reason most people go online is to look up information, so the key is to discover high-demand topics for a niche audience and give your audience exactly what they are

SEO Tips # 92 – Anchor Text and Linking

Remember to use supporting words, synonyms, and surrounding text when linking between pages. Allow for at least a 20% topic drift and avoid use the exact same link text (anchor text) to link between all of your pages and Web sites. Avoid building up link reputation that looks unnatural or contrived. If you’re a writer, swap up your bio

SEO Tips # 91- Website Contents and Links

Who is your “target audience”? When you write your Web site content, who are you focusing it on? Have the search engines ever purchased anything from you? Forget the search engines! Focus on your customers! When you write content, write valuable content focused on your customers. Focus on one topic (keyword phrase) only. Your keyword-containing tags should include that one

SEO Tips # 90 – Writing the Content

If you write your content so that it naturally “reads very well,” you will naturally earn some bonus for having created quality content. That I mean content…that reads well to a human being. Use moderation in everything you do. One of the things you need to understand is that “theme based” search engines like Google, are actually using a

SEO Tips # 89 – Keyword Research

Did you know that according to Kelsey Research, as many as 25% of searches online are done for information with the intent of “buying offline” locally. How can you make use of this in your keyword forensics and behavioral research? Think about it. Just a reminder that we have much greater SEO resources available for you in our Members

SEO Tips # 88

Did you know that many SEOs wait far too long to take immediate action with creating new pages for high performance keyword phrases that they discover in their research. Please don’t let your creative ideas sit too long but…work to implement your best strategies right away – today. Ask yourself this? What were you going to

SEO tips # 87 – Regarding Cascading Style Sheets ( CSS ) in SEO

Get rid of “code bloat.” Move JavaScript and CSS to external files. Remember: Anything that pushes keyword-containing text further down on the page could be negatively affecting your rankings. Learn CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), or find someone you can count on that knows it. Here’s a very cool CSS tutorial that won’t cost you a dime.

SEO Tips # 86 – Comment tags and Robots.txt

Tip # 1: Don’t stuff keywords in comment tags. Use comment tags in the manner in which the tag was designed to be used — to place comments about the page itself. Don’t put keywords in comment tags at all. Tip # 2 : Have you ever felt like you were running low on ideas in Wordtracker?

SEO Tips # 85 – Copyrights tips for Copywriters

As an SEO…we are truly copywriters. Not directly pertaining to SEO, but interesting all the same, is about “copyrighted material.” How much do you know about copyright? Did you know that when you write anything “original” for your Web site or for some other publication, that it is automatically copyrighted to you? Even if you do not post

SEO Tips # 84 – Value of Unique Content in SEO

Do you understand that there is a difference between creating “unique content” and creating “high quality useful content.” Just because your content is “unique” does not mean that it may be particularly “useful.” Make it your goal to serve up useful content that actual engages the reader and satisfies their “original search.” Read this excellent

SEO Tips # 83 – Link Popularity in SEO

Reminder: Link popularity is “page specific,” NOT “site specific.” Which of your important interior pages could use some assistance? Obviously NOT your “privacy policy” or probably not your “about us” page… But take stock and choose any 3 of your “most important” pages today and set a plan to specifically work on increasing some natural

SEO Tips # 82 – Image Alt Tags and Sitemap

Tip # 1 : Do NOT stuff keywords into your image Alt tag. Use the Alt tag only for describing what the image is. Keywords in the Alt tag do NOT influence relevency at all. It is important to use every tag for the purpose it was meant to be used. Tip # 2 : Include a

SEO Tips # 81- Web Page Loading

Did you know that if a page takes too long to load, it may not be spidered by the search engine robots. Try and ensure your pages load quickly. How quickly? Consider how fast the major search engine pages load. Are heavy graphics slowing your load speed? Try a test with

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