SEO Tips

SEO Tips # 80 – Industry relevant Keyword Research

When doing keyword research, do you often see short, meaningless looking acronyms in your lists? People often search with jargon or short forms that may be specific to their industry. Try using the tool to unscramble the correct industry-related meaning. EXAMPLE: Try entering the term: SEO You might be surprised at how many different phrases […]

SEO Tips # 79 – Important Tips other than SEO

Tip # 1 : Have you revisited your various products’ sales pages and thought about beefing up the emphasis in your sales copy on the “benefits.” A little change in dialogue can go a long way. Test your ideas and learn what works most effectively for you. Sometimes it’s the tiniest changes in text that make the

SEO Tips # 78 – SEO Analysis and Performance

In all of our efforts to write well for the robots, we must remember to also write well for the human brain. Remember that the human brain likes the appropriate use of color. The human brain likes text broken down into manageable chunks or clusters that are easy to read and absorb. Write your copy using all

SEO Tips # 76 – For Effective Search Engine Marketing

For effective search engine marketing, you need more than just top rankings. Remember to include strong calls to action to compel a response from the reader. What do you want the reader to do once they finish reading your content? You need to clearly build these options into each page and leave nothing to guess work. Describe

SEO Tips # 75 – SEO Performance

When performing SEO – Focus on writing for the human reader first and search engines second. While search engine optimization is important to your visibility, try writing your content first. Most people don’t write their best content when trying to optimize AND create content at the same time. Yet we continually see people trying to do this. We

SEO Tips # 74 – Content Writing

Write customer focused content that appeals to your audience. Remember that your Web site should be focused on your audience first and appeal specifically to a niche interest. When writing your Web copy, you need to dialogue in an appropriate tone and format for the right audience. Some of the most interesting content will have

SEO Tips # 73 – Geographical Information for Web Pages

Be sure to include geographical information like your real world address on your pages. Your information should be included in HTML so the spiders can read it. A whole new breed of spiders is looking for area codes, zip codes and city names, to assist searchers in finding stores and services near their location. Doing so will allow

SEO Tips # 72 – Examine Web activity reports

Single access pages Which pages are being viewed by themselves, where visitors aren’t even clicking to go to another page? Again, look at these pages carefully to see what you can provide on the page to keep up the interest of your visitors. You’re losing them, and you need to figure out why. If 70-80% of your visitors only

SEO Tips # 71- Search for important Keyword Phrase

Search for your most important keyword phrase. Carefully study the top 10 results. Which is the best written title? Which is the most captivating? Which grabs the reader by the throat and makes him or her want to click on the link? Is it the #1 ranked result? Not necessarily, is it? Is it your listing? If it’s not

SEO Tips # 70 – Content Freshness and RSS Feed

“Content freshness” refers to how often your Web content gets updated. To put it simply, the more often you add new content to your Web site, you are feeding your visitors new information. But you are also feeding the search engines new information. The effect of updating your content will have an impact on several things such as:

SEO Tips #68 – “crawlability” for larger Web sites

Tip on “crawlability” for larger Web sites. Google recommends that you have no more than 100 links on your site map. If you have more than 100 pages on your site, set up mini site maps for separate sections on your site and have a central site map that links to your main sections and

SEO Tips # 67 – Blog Commenting

Should Blog comments be enabled or not? It all depends on the purpose of the Blog. Most Bloggers have a need to express their opinions and exchange thoughts. A blog with comments enabled will allow your readers to post their comments. Most Blogs allow you to adjust the settings so that you can approve them before the world sees them.

SEO Tips #66 – Content Freshness in Blogging

One of the most misunderstood points of Blogging is concerning your “content freshness” factors. Content freshness: Write lots of good interesting content and post to your Blog consistently. How often? The more often the better. Just remember that you are writing for your readers who are pinged when you post a new update. But you

SEO Tips # 65 – Heading Tags in SEO

FACT: Did you know that using your keyword phrase in heading text is still influential? Of course you did. But did you also know that there is no difference between the relevancy influence in H1 H2 H3 H4 and H5? Tip: Don’t over-use the H1 heading tag.

SEO Tips # 64 – Link Popularity and Link Reputation in SEO

Link popularity and link reputation is important. But don’t be so obsessed with linking that you build your entire strategy only around link building. Use all of the basic principles to carry your Web site and you may want to do some linking based on what will make sense to your visitors. You are not only just trying

SEO Tips #63 – Importance of Keyword Reseach

Make sure you are aiming at writing high quality content, (content which is well-written and useful to your visitors.) Thanks to the use of artificial intelligence influences, the better quality of content you write for your visitors, the better you will naturally rank in the future. By the way, here is a tip about gaining visibility to brand new markets,

SEO Tips # 62 – Press Release Roles in SEO

Remember SEO principles apply to Press Releases too plus you have he added advantage some increased PR and legitimate link reputation. Make sure and use your important keywords in your link text because when a press release is picked up by multiple publishers or media outlets, remember that it is news. Many people forget that news is 100%

SEO Tips #61 – Article Marketing

Source : John ( SearchEngineWorkshops) I am posting this reply that I sent to one of our readers recently as their seems to be a lot of confusion about duplicate content penalties. ———Letter—————– Dear John, How does writing articles not run into the problem with duplicate content? Signed, (Name withheld) Dear Reader, Please let me

SEO Tips #60 – Page Rank Relevancy?

Did you know that it is possible to rank visibly higher in the search engines with a PR of 5 than it is with a PR of 8? It’s true! Don’t obsesse over Page Rank. Focus on building true relevancy.

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