SEO Tips

SEO tips #38 – Affiliate Marketing

Remember that if you are getting started in Affiliate marketing it’s important when choosing a product or service to promote that you add something original into the mix. Bring something of value, that others have never thought about. If  you just use the same resources that everyone else is using, then it’s much harder to make the sale. […]

SEO Tips #37 – Robots.txt file setup

Do you have a robots.txt file set up on your server? Here’s what Google says in their Webmaster Guidelines: -Make use of the robots.txt file on your web server. This file tells crawlers which directories can or cannot be crawled. Make sure it’s current for your site so that you don’t accidentally block the Googlebot crawler. Visit to learn

SEO Tips #36 – Importance of SEO Sitemap

Do you have a site map on your site? In Google’s Webmaster Guidelines, they suggest that you use a sitemap, so set one up immediately! There are many excellent programs that will create site maps for you. Put a link to your site map on every single page of your site, and link to your other pages

SEO Tips #35 – Traffic Estimation Tools

Here is your SEO Tip of the Day… Have you ever wished there was a free tool to estimate the amount of traffic any Web site gets? Here is a simple but quick tool called StatBrain Statbrain estimates the number of visits that a website has based on offsite factors like backlinks, Alexa Rank etc. Statbrain does not

SEO Tips #34 – Contents And SEO

Let’s give you a few tips on content and SEO. So many times people feel somewhat limited by their research options and often go after keywords for the same types of content that everyone else is after. Here are 5 Tips from Robin Nobles to get you thinking about other useful content you could put

SEO Tip #33 – SEO Landing Page – Attract the Visitors

Use only one <H1> tag per page, and use your keyword phrase in the tag. Use it toward the top of the page. Make sure it captures your visitors’ attention as soon as they land on your site. Also, make sure your first paragraph or the first words you use are interesting and designed to hold your

SEO Tips #32 – Duplicate Content Checker

Check out the Duplicate Content Tool. Duplicate content is the term for a filter applied to search engines queries for which there are two or more relevant pages that are too similar to each other. As an effect, pages seen as duplicates of the first relevant results are filtered out. The aim of that functionality

SEO Tips #31 – Keyword Estimation in Google, Yahoo Search Engines

Have you ever tried It allows you to type in any keyword phrase and displays the approximate number of searches for your phrase and similar phrases for Google, Yahoo Search and Microsoft Network. Very quick for finding busy phrases across all 3 search engines. Plus the price is right – it’s Free!

SEO Tips #30 – Personalization of Search

Remember the importance of using semantically related supporting words, true synonyms, descriptive verbs in your body content for the future. As the industry continues to involve and things like the “personalization of search” begin to have greater and greater impact, your going to see even great rewards to visibility for those who focus on writing and communication excellence. Write for

SEO Tip #29 – Title Tips in Web Page

We will take a break from Title tips, but let me offer just one more here: Try using “numbers” at some point in your title where a selection is involved. Some people seem to like the idea that they a selection to choose from. Example: Shower curtains – Over 88 different designs just arrived! Bathroom

SEO Tip #28 – How important are your customers words to you?

How important are your customers words to you? Not just the words, but the exact dialog. You see sometimes, people have a habit of speaking to you using certain terms and while we understand their meaning – don’t we often substitute other words of our own in recalling what was said. There are great benefits

SEO Tip #26 – Writing for the Reader

Your Tip of the Day involves writing for the reader: Never make the error of assuming that someone reading your offer will automatically connect the features of your product or your service to the benefits. They won’t, unless you dialog about it in such a way that will help them see every benefit.

SEO Tip #25 – SEO and Internet Marketing

SEO and Internet Marketing go together. How much do you know about converting your traffic once you have it? Do you think your Web page should sell? And if so, then how? Genuine Internet marketing is similar to real world marketing, but you don’t have to coerce people to buy your product. Think about it.

SEO Tip #24 – Wordtracker Keyword Research

Next time you do keyword research, think beyond the first terms that jump into your mind. Most people don’t really research much data, but the tend to use the tool to tell them about specific phrases (THEY THINK) are most important. If you don’t believe it then check this example… Example, What might a good

SEO Tip #23 – SEO Content Writing and Copyrights

After all, as SEOs we are all creating content for the Web. Did you know when your create any originally written work, you automatically own the copyright? In fact over 200 years ago, the courts recognized that authors of any originally written work for personal correspondence hold full property rights in their expression. So when you create something original, you

SEO Tip #22 – Search Engine Ranking Fluctuation

When your search engine rankings fluctuate, or even if your site drops from the rankings, what does it mean? Understand that these things are going to appear to happen much more often and they WILL happen to you. What you DON’T want to do is make any changes to your Web pages because of fluctuations

SEO Tip #21 – Larger Site Advantage

Did you know that there is some relevancy advantage in larger sites at the point that you begin to have around 100 pages or more indexed? Something seems to happen around the 100 page mark. Remember to focus on building quality content of genuine value to your readers.

SEO Tip #20 – SEO Myth

Here is a tip for you to think about related to an SEO Myth: SEO Myth: I need to study changes in the algorithm each month to carefully tweak  my pages and find out what has changed in the algorithm. Truth “Algorithm chasing” or fooling with your source code each month is a false concept

SEO Tip #19 – Keyword Density

Did you know that many of the things we have all taken for granted in SEO are not always really quite true? What do you think the correct keyword density for Google right now? Did you know the correct answer? A. 1.0% B. 1.5% C. 2.0% D. 2.5% E. 3.0% The correct answer if you

SEO Tip #18 – Keyword influences importants?

Which of these influences are most important? A. Keyword Meta Tag B. Keyword proximity C. Keyword density D. Keyword rich Domain name The correct answer is in general is B. Keyword proximity Major search engine are not concerned with A. Keyword density is a factor but not as important as keyword proximity A Keyword rich

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