Google Events – g|days now in India
The Google’s g|days events are a great opportunity for business people, web developers and technology professionals to learn more about Google Search Engine, Google products, Google apps and so on. After successful in South America, Middle East and Africa, g|days are coming to India.
The Schedule Details:
- g|chennai – 19 and 20th July 2012
- g|bangalore – 2 and 3rd August 2012
- g|hyderabad – 13 and 14th August 2012
- g|mumbai – 6 and 7th September 2012
- g|delhi – 13 and 14th September 2012
Day 1: Business Day:
Business users and entrepreneurs will benefit from learning about Google tools that will help them to improve and take advantage of their online presence. Google will host dedicated tracks on topics likes AdWords, AdSense, YouTube, Google+, and Google Apps.
Day 2: Technical Day:
This technical day will provide an opportunity to web developers and webmasters to discuss and learn more about Google platforms like Android, Google+, Google Apps and Google APIs.
Event is totally FREE.. Register Here for g|days India event
For more information about this g|days India event –