As an SEO…we are truly copywriters. Not directly pertaining to SEO, but interesting all the same, is about “copyrighted material.”
How much do you know about copyright?
Did you know that when you write anything “original” for your Web site or for some other publication, that it is automatically copyrighted to you? Even if you do not post a “copyright notice” on your work, it is still legally your work and the copyright is owned by you, the originator (unless you choose to sell it.) This includes any original work you write from an article, to an e-book or even just a simple little “tip” like these one that I write for you to read every day.
Did you know that you can also have your original articles, ebooks and work also copyrighted through the Copyright Office at the US Library of Congress with a Certificate of Registration with the date of Copyright signed by the Register of Copyrights. The cost of this service: $30 US