What are the Process you have to Follow to Rank your Keywords in SERP’s

Need to rank your keywords on the first page of the Google for a search term? Then you have to be ready with some steps and prepare yourself for executing those steps. You are not google or a wikipedia or any magazines to perform it easier as you think.

What would you do if your website is completely new and you need to try for a popular keyword that has high competition in the search results? You know the process you are going to follow in search engine optimization is completely repeatable.

What if i say this is very simple? Do you think it’s impossible?

It’s possible if you are going to perform content marketing and SEO effectively.

Process of Search Engine Optimization:

Proceed below for the step by step process to follow up with search engine optimization.

Process 1: Work on the Foundation

If you need your building to be strong, then your first process is to focus on your Foundation right?  Similarly for the effective results of your keyword, you should start working out with ground work. Know the basics about your website before you start ranking your keywords.

What do you need to have for ranking your keywords?

A website and the medium where you are going to experience the SEO. The medium will include a blog, social media sites, internal and external links etc. You can start with the webmaster guidelines for a strong website.

Do not rush to the next step until your foundation is strong. If you think you are well versed of moving to the next step, then you can carry on with the further moves.

Process 2: Keyword Research

You may have some set of keywords for what you  need to rank, but the question is that, all those keywords are the best ones for ranking in search engines. There are a lot of tools for researching your keywords and choosing the perfect one. Here is the step on choosing the correct keyword for your website.

  1. Choose a keyword that has high search volume with low competition.
  2. Choose a keyword that is relevant to your business.
  3. Choose a keyword if you think the particular keyword can drive traffic and leads.

Process 3: Analyzing the competition:

Now your keyword is ready. It’s time to research your keywords, how competitive they are. There are some important factors you have to look for after choosing a keyword for your business.

  1. Check for the domain and the URL, how many exact match domains you have and check whether the top 10 URL has a keyword.
  2. How effective you have used the title tag?
  3. Check which of the content marketing is ranking better. Blog posts or videos or related content types?
  4. Which types of business are ranking for the keyword. Small Business or new sites or Big sites?
  5. How much of experience they are into this market. You can check their link profiles and age of the websites using many plugins that are available.
  6. Research for more and more steps to beat the competitors. Doing more research will result in huge success.

Process 4: Considering the content that serves the keyword

Consider you are going to rank for a website that is related to eyeglasses. If your keywords are like “glasses, eyeglasses, glasses for kids, eyeglasses discount”. Do you think it’s the right way of choosing the keyword? Definitely no, if a person is search for kids eyeglasses and do you think your keyword glasses will work out?

No! Glasses has two meaning. Instead of this keywords if you have the keyword like kids eyeglasses or kids eyeglasses for sale. Your keyword will hope up for the good results in search engines. You need to choose the right keyword in order for the customers to choose your link.

Process 5: Choose the medium

Now you have the keyword and content in your hand. Its right to choose the medium where you are going to conceptualize it. There are many mediums like Blog post, product page, web 2.0, article post, Image posting, video submissions, info graphics and many more.

Process 6: Implement

High quality content has the great role in improving your keywords in search engines. So now you should implement the process like a proverb “ slow and steady wins the race”. Be careful about placing keywords, you should not stuff keywords in your content. This will result in spam.

Process 7: Keyword Optimization

When you are preparing your content itself, you have to focus on this. Keyword optimization is the important factor for ranking your keywords in search engines. So focus effectively on it for the successful results.

Process 8: Publish

This is the step you show up your content to the globe. You can publish your content now and make it live on web. If you think it’s not the right time to publish, you can use the schedule option to make it live as per your needs.

Process 9: Promote Socially

Just making your content live is not enough for your keywords to rank in search engines, you have to promote it to the various social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Twitter and many more.

Apart from this you can make social widgets on your website to promote independent sharing. If they click on the social widgets, the article or content get shared on their social profiles.

You have a link for the posted content, now it’s time to build your links too for the reliable backlinks.

Do you think your process is over? Another one more step to go with

Process 10: Track your results

Google Analytics is an effective tool to track the results of your keywords. You will be able to know which content for your keyword is performing well and ranking better in search engines.

What to do if you are not obtaining the effective results?

After doing all your process in the right way, you are not able to get the results then you have to once again check each and every steps you have performed for your keywords. Check whether your content is optimized well, whether you content is of good quality and its visible. Check for the keywords, if it’s competitive, you have to once again select the right keyword with low competition.

Final Verdict…

Yay! It’s over follow the above process perfectly and genuinely to rank your keywords in SERP’s. This process of step suits for every business niche.

Having any queries or ideas regarding the topic? Feel free to share it with us !

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